“图书馆”则可以在“Videos”、“Reading”、“Math”和“Logic+”中自行选择年级(学龄前到二年级),如果孩子是零基础,从Pre开始。下面是“Videos”板块下的分类目录,从Super Simple Songs的儿歌开始,到视觉词、数数、形状、字母音,都是最最最基本的内容。每个年龄段的难度等级一目了然,“Reading”、“Ma...
Khan Academy - Math - ArithmetricA collection of the Khan Academy Math Arithmetric videos, collated for the benefit of WizFolio Users. The Khan Academy is a non-profit organization on a mission., Number Of Items:33Math, Video, Arithmetric...
Angles 角|Geometry 几何|Math 数学|Khan Academy 可汗学院 505播放 P1 Angles: introduction 角:引言 06:49 P2 Naming angles 命名角 01:12 P3 Measuring angles in degrees 用度测量角 08:23 P4 measuring angles using a protractor 用量角器测量角 03:26 P5 Measuring angles using a protractor 2 用量...
Khan Academyis a free database of educational videos that contains guiding imagery, notes, and lectures on a wide range of academic topics. It is particularly useful for explaining both simple and complex math and scientific concepts – and their selection is always growing.Khan Academyalso feature...
The Basic steps involved in making tutorial videos would be to prepare your lesson and record your drawing and narration with the video screen capture program. If you are following Khan Academy andwant to make similar Khan Academy videos, then you are on board with us. ...
1、Khan Academy Kids 的用法有两种,第一种懒人式用法,点首页默认按钮,会随机出课程,涵盖 英语儿歌、数学、逻辑、社会、情商等;第二种是进 Library 自主学习。2、进入 Library,推荐vidoes 的 sss 儿歌,math,letters,logic+。reading 就不推荐了,“可使用率”不高,直接看我之前推荐的分级阅读绘本更高效...
Salman Khan (khanacademy.org) has recorded over 1500 mini-lectures on a wide variety of topics, organized in a cohesive fashion and made available for free on YouTube. I have already spent several enjoyable hours watching his videos, and plan on spending many more. What h...
As Khan explains, traditional teaching methods keep moving students forward, even if they don’t quite grasp the basics. By using the Khan Academy videos, students learn at their own pace until they master a lesson. Then students use a web-based exercise system to correctly answer a certain ...
Khan Academy July 31, 2013tomcircleEducation,Elementary Math,Modern Math,Uncategorized2 Comments I find KhanLinear Algebravideo excellent. The founder / teacher Sal Khan has the genius to explain this not-so-easy topic in modular videos steps by steps, from 2-dimensional vectors to 3-dimensional...
–Pick up where you left off: Your learning syncs with khanacademy.org, so your progress is always up-to-date. Learn using videos, interactive exercises, and in-depth articles in math (arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, linear algebra), science (...