译自可汗学院Class 12 Physics (India) 的半导体课程 Lesson 2:半导体基础知识 第2节课:本征激发和复合 https://www.khanacademy.org/science 本征半导体中有多少自由电子和空穴? 在本视频中,让我们了解如何计算任何给定温度下本征半导体中的电子和空穴的数量。 由 Mahesh Shenoy 制作。 你在模拟电路中遇到的所有问...
Science Khan Academyis a great tool for extra help with science. The videos in this category range from very basic to complex and college level. Once again, your child can use the videos to reinforce what he has already learned, to preview what he will learn next, or to supplement materia...
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2008 by Salman Khan with a mission to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. The platform is known for its extensive library of content, including interactive exercises, ins...
6 years of experience You Khan Do It! Rating: 7 out of 10 June 11, 2022 IncentivizedVetted ReviewVerified User Khan Academy is an excellent resource. We use it internally for quick training, answering questions, figuring out odd issues, or just learning something new when things are sl......
在线教育平台介绍系列二十九之Khan Academy平台 可汗学院(Khan Academy)是由孟加拉裔美国人萨尔曼·可汗创立的一家教育性非营利组织,主旨在于利用网络影片进行免费授课,现有关于数学、历史、金融、物理、化学、生物、天文学等科目的内容,通过在线图...
I turn to Khan Academy to help me understand what I will be teaching that day. A lot of times, I show the initial video to the entire class so that we can learn or review the topic together. When they finish their work for the day, I always send my students to Khan Academy so th...
Khan AcademyRatings and Reviews 4.6out of 5 84.9K Ratings
Khan academy was the only educational resource that I found tremendously helpful. Every single lesson was easy to understand and helped you figure things out. The topics were articulated beautifully, the reading sections were great and for some reason I can’t describe explained as well as a per...
https://www.khanacademy.org/science/in-in-class-12th-physics-india/in-in-semiconductors 译自印度可汗学院物理课:半导体Semiconductors,第六节,半导体中的产生与复合本节介绍本征半导体的中载流子的产生与复合过程,电子空穴数量的计算图文描述,直观易懂,有想学习半导体相关知识的同学可以看看本人专业水平有限,翻译...
Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. If youre seeing this message, it means were having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic....