Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, speaks at the TED Conference on March 2. Clip from video below. ( -- The problems with basic education, both in the US and other countries, are complex, but one website may have the ability to improve education on a global scale....
Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, speaks at the TED Conference on March 2. Clip from video below. ( -- The problems with basic education, both in the US and other countries, are complex, but one website may have the ability to improve education on a global scale....
These data are given in the drawings of Sh. E. Ratiya and M. S. Bulatov, shown in Figure 14. If we assume that this technique is suitable for calculating the height of the portal of the mausoleum-khanaka of Ahmed Yassawi, then it should be 49.9 m. The height of the minarets could...
These data are given in the drawings of Sh. E. Ratiya and M. S. Bulatov, shown in Figure 14. If we assume that this technique is suitable for calculating the height of the portal of the mausoleum-khanaka of Ahmed Yassawi, then it should be 49.9 m. The height of the minarets could...