PSAT, and AP exams) announced that they had created a set of free SAT study tools. These resources include quizzes, tests, video tutorials, and personalized practice recommendations. Since then, Khan Academy has made test prep more of a focus, and, while they haven’t designed...
5、brightstorm : 在线教学网站,以高中生为教育对象,集合了许多教学课程。包括数学、科学、英语、AP、SAT、ACT及PSAT的考前强化训练 6、Scishow : 一个综合性很强的科普频道。内容涉及很多与科学相关的话题#学习网站推荐#学习网站#宝藏学习网站#免费学习#网课软件#学习平台#更适合当代大学生的学习软件#学习网站资源...
We at CollegeVine loveformative assessmentsas the foundation of any good study plan, and Khan Academy’s personalized diagnostic test is a great way to get a good idea of where you are starting from. The diagnostic test even allows you to indicate if you’re guessing on a particular question...
Test prep coursesthat cover the PSAT, SAT, LSAT, Praxis, MCAT, NCLEX-RN, GMAT, CAHSEE, and IIT JEE. Even if you never use Khan Academy in a formal classroom environment and only pick and choose from the tools you like, there are easily years of content for learners of a...
along with the online learning expertise of Khan Academy. When students receive their SAT or PSAT/NMSQT®results, they canconnecttheir College Board and Khan Academy accounts to get free, personalized study recommendations for the SAT. This represents one ...