Across the globe, 617 million children are missing basic math and reading skills. We’re a nonprofit delivering the education they need, and we need your help. You can change the course of a child’s life. Give them the chance Join Khan Academy today ...
After quite a bit of backlash from the pre-med community, Khan Academy decided to change the date of their MCAT product discontinuation to 9/30/20. Unfortunately, that still leaves many students with the potential to not have the resource in the future. ...
7.拿起您离开的地方:你的学习同步你的手机和khanacademy.org之间,那么你的进步始终是最新的 8.应用程序调整,给你互动的锻炼建议,是专为你通过数学的世界。 9.花一下午时间温习统计数据。探索克雷布斯循环是如何工作的。学习音乐符号的基本原理。准备SAT,GMAT,或MCAT。或者,如果你特别喜欢冒险的话,那就学习一下火棍...
MCAT Khan Academy Covalent Bonds sp3 hybridization 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 s orbital electrons get upgraded to be p orbital ish electrons, this makes them all sp3 orbitals So the 1 s orbital and 3 P orbitals collectively become 4 sp3 orbitals...
我贴图的前三张:生化基础一般的人比较推荐一套 叫Exam Krackers的参考书 难度适中 (一共六本书, Premed的课程都包含了); AAMC当年出的官方指南 应该是必买的了;也推荐108 MCAT Verbal Practice。其他的就根据个人需要去购买…… 视频网站的话 Khan Academy有专门的MCAT一栏 视频讲解既生动又形象 (不过据说因为...
Khan Academy 386 Khan Academy Resources Common Core Digital Citizenship 386 Pass That Test! 18 Test Taking Resources and Strategies! Teacher Reboot Camp JANUARY 19, 2018 The Khan Academy website and iOS/Android app has excellent resources for prepping for the SATs, GMAT, MCAT, CAHSEE, IIT JEE...
khan academy kids官方免费下载中文版名称可汗学院儿童版app,作为儿童英语学习软件,里面包含了丰富的课程以及书籍资源,覆盖面非常之广泛,可以让孩子学习各方面的知识,包括拼音、简单的数学等,配图非常之卡通可爱,教师用户可以拿它来当做教学素材和布置作业。
Test prep coursesthat cover the PSAT, SAT, LSAT, Praxis, MCAT, NCLEX-RN, GMAT, CAHSEE, and IIT JEE. Even if you never use Khan Academy in a formal classroom environment and only pick and choose from the tools you like, there are easily years of content for learners of all ages ...
But Khan Academy's determination to stay on the cutting edge of teaching technology while remaining free is not entirely original, either. Carnegie Mellon University'sOpen Learning Initiativehas, since early last decade, used federal and private grant money to build free course modules i...
Stanford University and the Khan Academy present a road map to change medical education -- and to bring students back to lecture halls.