Khan Academy 是美国学生全科在线学习平台 不是专门学英语的 但有Reading & Language Arts英语课 创始人:孟加拉裔美国人 Sal Khan 再次介绍一下这个学习平台叫Khan Academy中文名可汗学院,包括Khan Academy和Khan Academy Kids两大板块。这是我用过最强大最全面的全科学习网站,不愧是受过伊隆·马斯克的大手笔捐款的网站!
Khan Academy中文版app功能: 1、Math 数学 各个年级的数学都有。 2、Science & Engineering 科学&工程 包括初中、高中的物理、生物、化学。 3、Computing 计算机 4、Arts& humanities 艺术&人文科学 5、Economics & finance 经济&金融 6、Test prep 测试 ...
Social & emotional learning (Khan Kids) Khanmigo for students AI for education Financial literacy Internet safety Social media literacy Growth mindset College admissions Careers Personal finance See all Life Skills Science Middle school biology
Science Khan Academyis a great tool for extra help with science. The videos in this category range from very basic to complex and college level. Once again, your child can use the videos to reinforce what he has already learned, to preview what he will learn next, or to supplement materia...
Khan Academy Kids is a free educational app for children ages 2-8. The Khan Kids library includes thousands of kids books, reading games, and more. Kodi the Bear and her friends at the Kids’ Club provide a safe and fun way for kids to learn and play. Best of all, Khan Kids is 10...
Khan Academy Kids is a free educational app for children ages 2-8. The Khan Kids library includes thousands of kids books, reading games, and more. Kodi the Bea…
They violate even the most basis ways that people learn science—experience first, name afterward. They are expository, not Socratic, and they simply are worse than traditional teaching because of the hype and reputations of ...
A Closer Look at Khan Academy Kids Khan Academy Kids is a comprehensive toddler, preschool, and early learning app designed for children ages 2 to 6+. It includes a wealth of age-appropriate activities that will help young children learn about letters, numbers, colors, measurement, science, he...
对于更小一点的小朋友,可以用少儿版Khan Academy Kids(简称KAK)的APP,内容全部免费,包含了系统全面的幼儿英文和技能启蒙内容。 这款APP主要针对母语是英语的2-6岁的小朋友教育的,通过游戏、视频、音频的方式来实现英语、数学、逻辑、通识等的教育。 Khan Kids App主要分为两个板块:互动操作和图书馆,包括阅读、写...
Khan Academy Kids is a free educational app for children ages 2-8. The Khan Kids library includes thousands of kids books, reading games, and more. Kodi the Bea…