涵盖ela(英语语言艺术)和数学的全新综合性二年级课程 20本书来自bellwethermedia涵盖空间、感官等内容 来自aloyoga的新瑜伽视频,鼓励运动和正念 数百个新语音课程,涵盖字母表中的每个字母,帮助3-5岁的孩子学习如何阅读 v3.6.4 超过60本有关恐龙,海洋生物等的新书!
3 Computer programming | Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming If youre seeing this message, it means were having trouble loading external resources for Khan Academy. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org. Skip to mai...
8、ELA beta 阅读&词汇 每个年级均囊括其中。 Khan Academy中文版app特色: 1、可汗学院利用了网络传送的便捷与录影重复利用成本低的特性,每段课程影片长度约十分钟,从最基础的内容开始,以由易到难的进阶方式互相衔接。 2、传统的学校课程中,为了配合全班的进度,教师只要求学生跨过一定的门槛(例如及格)就继续往下教...
It makes it a quick resource if you are searching for a video to help support a student who might struggle with a strategy you thought they had learned in a previous grade, but know they could use the help with. The Math section on Khan Academy for example, starts with Preschool and go...
Khan Academy Kids是一款儿童学习软件。为用户带来有趣的教学内容,帮助你更好的构建课堂,提升孩子的学习兴趣,帮助孩子更好的掌握学习的内容。将卡通动画的形式和各类课程相结合,孩子很容易投身到学习的内容中去,而且家长可以自己去自定义孩子的学习路线,可以自己去自定义孩子的学习路线,完美适应每一位孩子的学习需求。
Daily schedule sampleswith resources by age and grade, which is especially useful during at-home learning and for those new to homeschooling or self-taught summer school. Hundreds of free books for summer reading programs or ELA enrichment, thanks to theKhan Academy Kids...
8、ELA beta 阅读&词汇 每个年级均囊括其中。 Khan Academy中文版app特色: 1、可汗学院利用了网络传送的便捷与录影重复利用成本低的特性,每段课程影片长度约十分钟,从最基础的内容开始,以由易到难的进阶方式互相衔接。 2、传统的学校课程中,为了配合全班的进度,教师只要求学生跨过一定的门槛(例如及格)就继续往下教...
Daily schedule sampleswith resources by age and grade, which is especially useful during at-home learning and for those new to homeschooling or self-taught summer school. Hundreds of free books for summer reading programs or ELA enrichment, thanks to theKhan Academy Kids app. ...
Khan Academy Kids app就是可汗学院儿童版,上面都是一些早教启蒙内容,让你的孩子从小就得到好的教育,上面有非常完美的学习环境,让每个孩子能自己主动去学,爱上学习。 khan kids最新版介绍 和汗学院的孩子们一起学习很快乐!我们屡获殊荣的应用程序为幼儿,学龄前儿童,幼儿园和一年级学生提供了数千种教育活动,书籍,...