可汗学院幼儿版Khan Academy Kids,美国全免费英文全科启蒙神器 宣元妈妈家 可汗学院幼儿版|众里寻他千百度,英语全科启蒙它最好用 萱宝用Khan Academy Kids已经几个月了,很喜欢这个app里面的游戏,绘画。现在不用我在旁边指导,都能自己独立学习了。 这个app粗略估算有上千套资源,内容非常全面,全部免费,完全满足7岁…...
一句话总结:“可汗学院”(Khan Academy)是一家由捐款支助的非营利教育机构。授课视频涉及的领域十分广泛,从数学的基础核心课程——算术、几何、代数、微积分,到物理、生物、化学、医学、艺术、金融,历史课程涉及“法国大革命”、“越南战争”,再到会计、信贷危机、SAT和GMAT考试等。不仅有课程,还有课后练习等补...
但有Reading & Language Arts英语课 创始人:孟加拉裔美国人 Sal Khan 再次介绍一下这个学习平台叫Khan Academy中文名可汗学院,包括Khan Academy和Khan Academy Kids两大板块。这是我用过最强大最全面的全科学习网站,不愧是受过伊隆·马斯克的大手笔捐款的网站! ➡️关于Khan Academy Kids 可汗学院儿童版我写过两...
You are about to download theKhan Academy Kids 7.0.3 for iPhone and iPad (iOS 12.0 or Later): Khan Academy Kids is a free Education App: Reading & Math Learning Games, Read, learn, and discover... Get Latest Version of Khan Academy Kids from App Store Education > Khan Academy Kids Re...
Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
Khan Academy 一切皆可学 Khan Academy “教育”类第 49 名 4.6 • 8.7万 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 一切皆可学。永远免费。 花一个下午复习图形与几何。探索宇宙中的恒星和黑洞。认识各种投资工具并学习金融知识。了解英语的语法和文风。
The_elements_of_a_story__Reading__Khan_Academy, 视频播放量 3、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 cufebxy, 作者简介 ,相关视频:FEATURE STORY - SAMPLE TOPICS II TYPES OF FEATURE II STRUCTURE OF FEATURE STORY,How To Brainst
Khan Academyallows your child to take learning into his own hands. By usingKhan Academy, he will be able to explore topics that interest him simply by searching for keywords or looking at the featured videos. He may discover a passion for science that he never realized in the classroom! You...
One very powerful feature of Khan Academy is that you will have access to personalized dashboards. The dashboard gives you an easy way to find the best next things for you to do. It has a bunch of really cool things designed to help you learn math, and other subjects, really well on...
语法:http://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/ 逻辑:www.khanacademy.org/math/math-for-fun-and-glory/puzzles 后来又推出了幼儿版,适合2-7+的孩子全科启蒙,这款app颜值很高,马卡龙色系。 Khan Academy kids的封面设计的非常引人入胜。App的主角基本围绕五个小动物Ollo,Peck ,Reya ,Sandy 和Kodi开展。