Reading & language arts Up to 2nd grade (Khan Kids) 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade reading and vocab 7th grade reading and vocab 8th grade reading and vocab 9th grade reading and vocab 10th grade reading and vocab ...
厂商:Khan Academy MD5:9E2E52127CF6DC24C3893A4D5E6C17A1 98%2% 手机扫码下载 软件介绍 可汗儿童学院中文版app是一款专门针对2-8岁的孩子打造而成的手机教育学习软件,这款软件囊括了学龄前、幼儿园、一年级等各个阶段的数千种教学内容并且更是加入了五个搞怪有趣的角色来引导孩子学习,孩子们在这里可以跟随着搞...
可汗学院儿童版(Khan Academy Kids),学前班到二年级的课程和书籍在家里或课堂学习,激发孩子们一生的学习和发现,从数千本书和符合标准的活动中学习,还能激发对阅读和协作的喜爱,增加数学知识,提高社会学习与创造力。 官方简介 可汗学院儿童版的学习过程很快乐! 我们屡获殊荣的应用程序为幼儿,学龄前儿童,幼儿园儿童和...
Khan Academy Kids是一款儿童学习软件。为用户带来有趣的教学内容,帮助你更好的构建课堂,提升孩子的学习兴趣,帮助孩子更好的掌握学习的内容。将卡通动画的形式和各类课程相结合,孩子很容易投身到学习的内容中去,而且家长可以自己去自定义孩子的学习路线,可以自己去自定义孩子的学习路线,完美适应每一位孩子的学习需求。
Meanwhile, the English Language Arts courses offer solid grammar instruction for every grade level. However, there is no support when it comes to helping students master the basics of reading itself. Likewise, courses focused on vocabulary, comprehension and writing are available only in the beta ...
Khan Academy is a high-classeducationalplatform for students of all ages to learn a wide variety of subjects on the go, from math and science to arts and humanities. By searching for topics you don’t know about, you’ll find yourself expanding your knowledge of macroeconomics, developing a...
官网: Khan Kids中文版app最新版是一款专为儿童打造的学习软件,软件可以为学龄前的儿童们提供各种教育,让孩子们可以通过软件独立学习,通过各种有趣的角色来引导孩子们的学习兴趣,还有各种不同的模块可以选择,帮助孩子们提升自己的创造力并学习社交能力,提前掌握不同的技能!
我们增加了几百个新互动活动,练习和书籍,涵盖英语语言(English Language Arts,ELA),数学共同核心课程标准(math Common Core standards)和社会感情学。 高质量,屡获殊荣的内容 Common Sense Media(常识媒体)-5星级的教育价值,5星级的易玩性 《儿童技术评论》(Children's Technology Review)杰出设计编辑选择奖-100%评...
” In addition to content organized by grade level needs, like I mentioned earlier, you’ll also find content that connects to science, social studies, English Language Arts, and more. Now all of the math content we typically associate with Khan Academy is there, too, but you’ll realize ...
How does Khan Academy make content more accessible? Parent Quick Start Guide How do I access Khan Academy Kids? How do I get started using Khan Academy as a teacher? How can I adjust a student's settings, such as their username or password?