可汗学院公开课 算术与代数预备课程:乘法与除法 Open Khanacademy Courses:Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra: Multiplication and division 可汗学院 小学课程 / 小学数学 可汗学院的算术与代数预备课程是真正从零开始学习数学的起始点,是代数课程的先导课。对于那些想从最基础开始学习数学,或者以后想要学习代数1课程的同学来说...
capital one & khan academy’s free financial literacy course september 3, 2024 | 1:16 min video everyone deserves to feel confident, capable and in control when it comes to their money, and financial literacy is one key to making that a reality. but high-quality financial education isn’t...
Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org "You will learn about: How interest rates work Tax brackets, deductions, credits, and how to fill out all those forms How credit scores affect your ability to borrow money The best strategies for reducing debt Creating a budget (and sticking to it!) When ...
If you’re reading this article, chances are you need a comprehensive list of excellent options that offer many courses for free, or you want a more robust learning platform specializing in a course unavailable at Khan Academy. Whichever the case is, you’re in luck! I have taken the time...
HSK 1-6: Study on Your Own or Complement Your Academy Course Dictionary:+5,000 words (HSK v2.0) / +11,000 (HSK v3.0) Sentences:+2,000 common sentences & expressions Stories:+25 texts with native audio Flashcards:+4,000 image flashcards ...
and section 8.1 on linear transformations. 3blue1brown has a nice video onmatrix multiplication as composition of linear transformations. If you've forgotten the basics of how to multiply matrices by vectors or matrices by matrices, google for some tutorial material online (e.g.Khan academy) and...
A python script to download courses fromKhan Academyusingyt-dlpandbeautifulsoup4. Installation pip install khan-dl -U Usage $ khan-dl -h usage: khan-dl [-h] [-i] [-c COURSE_URL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i, --interactive Enter Interactive Cours...
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为了解决这些差异,加州理工学院与可汗学院(Khan Academy)和Schoolhouse.world试行一项新计划,为申请者提供免费的在线课程、辅导和认证流程,从而帮助申请者满足加州理工学院的课程要求。 环境微生物学教授兼一年级招生委员会主席Jared R. Leadbetter在一份声明中说:“我们的招生目标是尽可能降低有才华的STEM学生的入学门槛。