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Color Book Chronicles-Khalil Leone by:嘻哈有态度 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 Steven黄阳 1725382037 简介:中英自由口译 TA的专辑 更多 郁达夫散文集(一)1848 美国历史576 Steven's Bedtime Reading8471 晨读14.3万 点灯登阁各攻书1万...
歌手:Meryl Streep On Marriage By Khalil Gibran - Meryl Streep You were born together And together you shall be forevermore You shall be together When the white wings of death scatter your days Ay you shall be together even In the silent memory of God ...
During one of Fred Holland Day’s art exhibitions, Gibran drew a sketch of a certain Miss Josephine Peabody, an unknown poet and writer who was to later become one of his failed love experiences; later on, Gibran was to propose marriage and be met with refusal, the first blow in a seri...
Gibran’s narrative frame relates that the Prophet, about to board a ship that will take him home after 12 years in a foreign city, is stopped by a group of the city’s inhabitants, who ask him to speak to them about the mysteries of life. He does so, discussing love, marriage, bea...
《献给你的诗》(Words for You)是由英国演员配上古典音乐朗诵的经典诗集。收录了英国拥有最动人嗓音的12位演员朗读的52首最伟大的诗篇 ,并以古典音乐作为背景。在贝多芬的第8钢琴奏鸣曲(悲怆)下,Joanna Lumley颂读着莎士比亚的第18首十四行诗;罗伯特·勃朗宁的Home Thoughts, From Abroad配上了德沃夏克的第9号交响...