Esamskriti: An online photo gallery of Khajuraho Temple Western, Madhya Pradesh. Find collection of Khajuraho Temple Western photos, Khajuraho Temple Western Pictures, Photo Album of Khajuraho Temple Western, Khajuraho Temple Western Photographs to take
Esamskriti: An online photo gallery of Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh. Find collection of Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho photos, Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho Pictures, Photo Album of Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho, Lakshmana Temple Khajuraho Photograph
The spire of each temple rises higher than the one before it, as in a range of mountains that seems to draw near the heavens. Designed to inspire the viewer toward the highest human potential, these were also the builders' attempts to reach upward, out of the material world, to moksha,...
Home Gallery Madhya Pradesh Kandariya Mahadeva Khajuraho By Sanjeev Nayyar | 2008 53071 Views Choose : Album Theme Photographer 1 / 12 Board outside temple. Built between 1025-1050 A.D. Largest Khajuraho temple dedicated to Lord Shiva....