Great guitar! Tim T. first, i bought a 503, not a 602; not sure why this got mixed up- Anyways, I owned one (503) previously with active emg's, and regret selling it, so decided to get another with passives. these are great guitars, and the floyd stays in tune! thanks!
莱茵乐器 LTD KH-602 Kirk Hammett Signature guitar 试听 莱茵乐器视频分享站· 2022-1-5 3.4万19612:56 【开箱】性价比惊人!全手工制造的经典声音“Heritage”最高规格Custom Shop H150工匠做旧电吉他|潘高峰GAOFUNK 潘高峰_GaoFunk· 2023-11-3 68781102:59 (已售罄)【测评:203期】特价库存ESP/LTD印尼产库存...