KGS Technology Group offers comprehensive test solutions and frameworks, to adapt to the specific needs of development teams. IT Consulting At KGS Technology Group, we work with your team to develop an IT strategy that is aimed exclusively at your business and helps you grow. ...
We are KGS Group, an employee-owned, multidisciplinary engineering consulting firm serving clients throughout North America.
KGS Technology Group offers comprehensive test solutions and frameworks, to adapt to the specific needs of development teams. At KGS Technology Group, we work with your team to develop an IT strategy that is aimed exclusively at your business and helps you grow. ...
KGS Group is a privately-owned dynamic group of companies founded in 2009, it has more than a decade of experience in providing innovative solutions to clients across Europe, Africa & Middle East. Each company delivers focused and specialized solutions to address a specific need in its corresponde...
近日,凯吉斯金刚石(广州)有限公司总经理顾兆伟一行到访纳金科技产业园。园区总裁黄锐亲切接待,与顾总经理签署进驻园区的协议,并达成长期战略合作。 凯吉斯金刚石(广州)有限公司隶属于瑞士KGS Group (凯吉斯集团),KGS 1952年成立于瑞士,是一家全球拥有18家分公司和五个...
5月16日,凯吉斯金刚石(广州)有限公司(KGS China)迎来乔迁之喜,正式进驻纳金科技产业园。纳金科技董事长刘健明、总裁黄锐等集团代表到场祝贺。 KGS China隶属于瑞士KGS Group。KGS Group1952年创建于瑞士,是柔性金刚石磨具和金属纤维网布的领军生产性企业,旗下有18个销售公司,分布于欧洲,北美,中国和澳大利亚,有5个生...
成立于2002年的KGS China,位于广州市,是一家专注于石材、玻璃、陶瓷和金属等材料柔性金刚石磨具、切割与打磨工具以及地面打磨、清洁和养护金刚石工具的专业制造商和销售商。他们的产品线丰富,涵盖了工业领域的广泛应用,致力于为各类市场提供全面的工业解决方案,以满足不同行业的需求。公司凭借其专业技术...
The protection of the environment is not an isolated issue, but is part of the corporate strategy of the KGS GROUP and part of the business philosophy of KGS. All employees are actively involved in this strategy... MORE + MenuVideoNewsDownloads ...