日前,KGK中家检测认证中心旗下的中家鹿鸣家电产品再设计工程中心(下称再设计工程中心)与三菱重工金羚空调器有限公司达成战略合作,项目已全面完成。 本次与三菱重工金羚空调器有限公司实现合作,并顺利完成项目任务,是再设计工程中心探索横向合作模式的又一成果。通过项目开展横向合作,有利于发挥双方比较优势,以强强联合的...
KGK快讯 珠海市香洲区黄文胜副区长一行参访中家检测认证中心 12月8日上午,由珠海市香洲区人民政府黄文胜副区长带队,科技和工业信息化局高军局长及翁海妧总工程师等一行在中家检测认证中心总工程师陈建民陪同下莅临公司主要实验室参观访问。总经理麦兴向各位宾客介绍了公司的发展历史、实验室建设、关键核心仪器设备及中心...
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Synthetic diamonds are created from carbon, using high temperature and pressure. These diamonds are prepared artificially in laboratory conditions as opposed to the naturally mined diamonds. The different names of synthetic diamonds are man-made diamonds, created diamonds, cultured diamonds and lab grown...
Synthetic diamonds are created from carbon, using high temperature and pressure. These diamonds are prepared artificially in laboratory conditions as opposed to the naturally mined diamonds. The different names of synthetic diamonds are man-made diamonds, created diamonds, cultured diamonds and lab grown...
Sample preparation for isotopic analysis was performed at the Stable Isotopes Laboratory of the ArchaeoScience Platform of the University of Bucharest and at the Molecular Palaeontology Lab of the University Institute of Geology (IUX) of the University of A Coruña. ...
在博鳌亚洲论坛的聚光灯下,vivo机器人Lab的亮相,是vivo三十年科技探索的又一次升华——它不再局限于手机屏幕内的方寸之地,而是基于自身优势、用户需求和产业发展,回归实际场景,将触角延伸至物理世界的每个角落。 在我们看来,相较于那些还在实验室中的“高大上”产品,vivo更在乎的是如何让技术为用户的生活、为这个世...
In our testing lab, equipped with various CIJ printers, we can take a live webcast or video on your specified CIJ printer model to test the ink and identify the cause for your printer malfunction. Company Profile Shanghai Meiyike Ink Chemical Company Ltd. (MYK) was establi...
In our testing lab, equipped with various CIJ printers, we can take a live webcast or video on your specified CIJ printer model to test the ink and identify the cause for your printer malfunction. Company Profile Shanghai Meiyike Ink Chemical Company Ltd. (MYK) was est...
LAB High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier Sanitary Stainless Steel Tube Glass pressure circular manhole covers Filter sanitary Y type strainer for water treatment Stainless Steel Grooved Pipe Fittings Flexible Coupling Stainless steel pipe 45 degree clamp elbow...