KGAnet: a knowledge graph attention network for enhancing natural language inferenceNatural language processingNatural language inferenceExternal knowledgeNatural language inference (NLI) is the basic task of many applications such as question answering and paraphrase recognition. Existing methods have solved ...
kganetsano in English: 1. argument His argument was logical. The war on Iraq is a volatile subject of political debate; any wrong word and a heated argument could spark. I find your argument too convoluted. Couldn't you try to make it simpler and more concise? Yea... Dima ...
a GML model on KG, KGNet collects metadata of trained models in the form of an RDF graph called KGMeta, which is interlinked with the relevant subgraphs in KG. Finally, all trained models are accessible via a SPARQL-like query. We call it a GML-enabled query and refer to it as ...
MonoDevelop is a cross platform .NET IDE. Contribute to kg/monodevelop development by creating an account on GitHub.
A 3.00-kg object undergoes an acceleration given by acceleration = (2.00i + 5.00j). Find (a) the resultant force acting on the object and (b) the magnitude of the resultant force. Determine the net force necessary to give an object with a mass of 2.1...
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Motivated by the above observation, we propose a novel plug-and-play refinement network, namely SMOOTHNET, which can be attached to any existing pose estimators to improve its temporal smoothness and enhance its per-frame precision simultaneously. Especially, SMOOTHNET is a simple yet effective ...
tcmkg/FakeNewsNet FakeNewsNet *** We will never ask for money to share the datasets. If someone claims that s/he has the all the raw data and wants a payment, please be careful. *** We released a toolFakeNewsTracker, for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing of fake news and the ...
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Math Parser Java Android C# .NET/MONO (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET PCL, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS) CLS Library - a super easy, rich and flexible mathematical expression parser (expression evaluator, expression provided as plain text