Density ρ of gases (at 20°C and 101.3 kPa) gases p in kg/m3 ammonia 0.771 chlorine 3.214 natural gas (dry) ca. 0.7 helium 0.178 carbon dioxide 1.977 carbon monoxide 1.250 air (dry), no CO2 1.292 methane 0.717 ozone 2.220 propane 2.019 oxygen 1.429 nitrogen 1.251 steam100% 0.880 ...
0...1 bar, 0...15 psi, 0...1 kg/cm2, or 0...100 kPa pressure range, 4...20 mA output signal pressure sensors.
0...2 bar, 0...30 psi, 0...2 kg/cm2, or 0...200 kPa pressure range, 4...20 mA output signal pressure sensors.
空压机常用的压力单位换算 1MPa(兆帕)=1000kPa(千帕)=1000000Pa(帕斯卡) 1bar(巴)= 0.1MPa 1atm(标准大气压)=0.1013MPa=1.013bar=760mmHg=10.33mH2O 1kgf/cm2(工程公斤力)=0.981bar=0.0981Mpa 1psi(Lb/in2 )=0.07031kgf/cm2=0.06893 bar=6.893kpa 1MPa=145psi 分享2赞 飞机世界吧 z1207366899z 关于...
该阀门为压力膜片驱动 , 气体压力工作范围为 30-70psi(207-483kpa)[ 2.07-4.83bar]. 根据不同产品型号 , 容器最大允许压力为 2000psi(13.8Mpa)[138bar] 。 该产品一个方便之处在于不用把产品从管路上卸下 , 通过产品上的六角活接就可以更换基座 。 产品应用 Murphy DVU系列排泄阀安装在压缩机洗涤罐...
患者男性40岁,体重80kg,诊断为餐后车祸外伤。既往体健。体检:血压80/50mmHg,心率98次/分,SpO 96%,腹部膨隆,有压痛,余无阳性体征。 提示:术中出血2700ml。补液为林格液2000ml,血浆800ml,红细胞4U,血压绝大部分时间稳定在85~110/60~70mmHg,心率由最快120次
350 kPa pressure range, 4…20 mA output signal pressure sensors. These pressure sensors will measure from 0 to 3.5 bars, 0 to 50 pounds per square inch, 0 to 3.5 kilograms per square centimetre, or 0 to 350 kilopascals pressure ranges, and convert the measured pressure to a corresponding ...
0...8 bar, 0...120 psi, 0...8 kg/cm2, or 0...800 kPa pressure range, 4...20 mA output signal pressure sensors.
0...5 bar, 0...75 psi, 0...5 kg/cm2, or 0...500 kPa pressure range, 4...20 mA output signal pressure sensors.
If you are looking for a calculator to do this, there is one built into my freeware units conversion program, Uconeer. Unfortunately it does not include mmscfd, but it will take the conversion as far as scfm and you will have to apply a factor (0.00144) to convert the output from scfm...