对于通过 Send to Kindle 发送到 Kindle 的 PDF,即便选择的是“保持原始布局”(比如通过 Email 推送 PDF 文档时没有填写“convert”主题),也已支持文本选择、智能查找、搜索、标注、文本笔记,以及通过超级链接进行导航。 对于以前通过 Send to Kindle 服务发送到 Kindle 的文档或电子书,如果你开启了存档功能,只需...
KFX(即 Kindle Format 10,简称 KF10)格式是 AZW3 格式的继任者,该格式是随着Kindle Paperwhite 3推出的一种新的 Kindle 电子书格式,包含很多新的特性,比如增强的排版引擎、具有更高压缩率的新图片格式 JXR、快速翻页等。 现在从亚马逊 Kindle 电子书商店购买的电子书下载到 Kindle 设备后,通常都是扩展名为 ....
The "Send to Kindle" tool converts non-Kindle formats into Kindle's native format (KFX) and synchronize them with your library. However, it cannot process formats that are already proprietary Kindle formats, such as KFX. That's why you cannot send to kindle a kfx file. Instead, utilize "...
直到最近还没有创建或转换 KFX 格式电子书的方法,获取这种格式的唯一方式就是从支持 KFX 格式的 Kindle 设备或 APP 上下载下来。上个月亚马逊放出了 Kindle Previewer 3,新版本 Kindle Previewer 可以让作者和出版商转换和预览他们的电子书,看看他们在使用新格式和布局设置时会怎么看。 但问题是 Kindle Previewer...
Kindle books usually come with DRM protection, and Amazon's KFX format is now the standard for their eBooks. Kindle users often ask if it's possible to remove DRM from KFX books and convert them to other formats like ePub, PDF, Mobi, or AZW3. The answer is yes. This article explores...
Most owners of newer Kindle devices no longer need to use this plugin to obtain KFX format. As of October 2023 Amazon converts most personal documents sent usingsend-to-kindleto KFX. (Note: If you want to sideload your books via USB and only want somewhat better typography when reading the...
successfully imported into calibre. See "Importing KFX books into calibre" below for instructions. Monolithic KFX can also be produced using theKFX Output plugin. It is also the format delivered to newer Kindles whensend-to-kindleis used. Monolithic KFX can be converted to other formats using ...
A calibre plugin that generates Kindle Word Wise and X-Ray files and EPUB footnotes then send them to e-reader. Supports KFX, AZW3, AZW, MOBI and EPUB eBooks. Test plugin will be uploaded toGitHub Actions Artifactsat each git push automatically. ...
Connect Kindle to calibre, select one book or multiple books then click the plugin icon or menu. usage.mov Never add ASIN to your book, that will cause Kindle to replace Word Wise and X-Ray files. Don't add soft hyphens, it will cause the plugin to produce a mediocre X-Ray file. ...
KFX Output 是一款新的 Calibre 插件,它可以把电子书转换成 KFX 格式,以充分利用亚马逊的增强型排版。这款插件让转换或创建可在 Kindle 设备或 APP 上阅读的 KFX 格式电子书成为可能,即便电子书不是从亚马逊购买的。 距亚马逊为 Kindle 电子书引进他们的新的增强型排版引擎已经接近一年时间了,新的引擎添加了高级的...