Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die vielfältigen Förderkredite und Förderprogramme für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen. KfW - Die Bank aus Verantwortung.
Die KfW Entwicklungsbank kooperiert im Auftrag der Bundesregierung eng mit den Institutionen der EU, um die Wirksamkeit der europäischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) weiter zu erhöhen. Dazu zählt nicht nur die Zusammenarbeit mit der EU-Kommission, sondern auch die Abstimmung mit anderen ...
About KfW Ipex-Bank KfW Ipex-Bank provides banking services. The Bank is responsible for international project and export finance within KfW Bankengruppe. The company offers medium to long-term financing solutions and finances ships, aircraft, railroad vehicles, and investments in the expansion of ai...
KfW's new business reached 107 billion euros (116 billion U.S. dollars) in 2021, down by 26.45 percent over 2020, the bank disclosed in a press release. However, it was still significantly higher than the 2019 figure of 77.3 billion euros. The bank blamed the reduced demand for coronaviru...
1. Die KfW IPEX-Bank finanziert drittes LNG-Kreuzfahrtschiff für AIDA Cruises [J] . Schiff und Hafen . 2019,第5期 机译:德国复兴信贷银行IPEX银行为AIDA邮轮融资提供第三艘LNG邮轮 2. TRANSNET PARTNERS WITH GERMAN KFW IPEX-BANK [J] . Railways Africa . 2019,第5期 机译:与德国KFW Ip...
Arne GoossDirector KfW Office BeijingCDM in China: Opportunities for Sino-German CooperationKfW Bankengruppe at a glanceKfW银行集团概览Promotional bank of the Federal Republic of Germany.Founded in 1948.Shareholders: Federal Republic of Germany (80%), German federal sta 2、tes (20%). Balance-...
A profile of KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH based in Germany is presented. KfW IPEX-Bank is a subsidiary of KfW Bankengruppe, and specializes in the financing of corporate and infrastructure investments in Germany, and financing of exports, large projects and investments by European companies abroad. KfW ...
办事处的人员 9 8 repres. by KfW Entwicklungsbank 由KfW开发银行代表 Total Commitments in China 对中国的总承诺额 EUR 3,6 Billion 36亿欧元 EUR 0,4 Billion 4亿欧元 EUR 5,5 Billion 55亿欧元 Main Focus 在中国的主要服务 对象 Public sector 公共部门机构 Private sector 私营部门企业 Private / ...
KfWBankengruppeataglanceKfW银行集团概览 PromotionalbankoftheFederalRepublicofGermany.Foundedin1948.Shareholders:FederalRepublicofGermany(80%),Germanfederalstates(20%).Balance-sheettotalattheendof2005:EUR341billion.3,500employeesattheendof2005.Rating:AAA/Aaa/AAA.2 BrandStructure.业务...
KfW IPEX-Bank General Information Description Founded in 2008, KfW IPEX-Bank is a lender based in Frankfurt, Germany. The firm serves companies related to energy, basic industries, automotive, mechanical engineering, retail, pharmaceutical, specialty chemicals, health, telecommunication sectors, transport...