NO TOP 40. NO SOUNDCLOUD. This wasn’t the fucking crowd for that and she knew it. Keep doing your thing. Salute.First things first. Chico Mann is that dude. This INSANELY fucking talented dude has been doing it legit since ’03. If you don’t know who he is that’s cool. I ...
第40周公告牌Top10快讯 | 豆荚猫#dojacat重回榜首,#傻脸娜限时回归 #欧美音乐 #ESN公告牌#billboard 图文31 公告牌音乐人周度排名。第40周:WEEK OF OCTOBER 7, 2023 —— 霉霉#taylorswift重回榜首,豆荚猫#dojacat小火箭杀入前五,最强辅助 #欧美歌曲#billboard#ESN公告牌 公告牌音乐人周度排名。第40周:WEEK...