1.肥佬比基佬多的美利坚 宇宙无敌Double Down,直译过来是“加倍”,用炸鸡代替面包,中间夹烤培根以及两种芝士,热量飞到月亮上。据说吃了会忘记一切伤痛。 在美国你还能预定“炸鸡小花束”,只要20美元,送给减肥失败(误)的TA,可幸福了。 2.毫无...
China bans all NZ milk powder ... Obesity rate on the increase Farmers fear for crops as S C... Collapsed bridge in Tibet to b... More than just a pretty face Dialogue defuses EU, China sol... Heat, drought, flooding: sever... Shanghai judges penalized over... China central bank...