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ISSU/3/ABT_FSM_BAK3FAIL:The batch backup in phase 3 failed, and the system will roll back. 日志含义 在第三阶段批量备份时出现严重错误,系统将会立即回退。 日志参数 可能原因 在第三阶段批量备份时出现严重错误,系统必须回退。 处理步骤 请收集日志信息和配置信息,并联系技术支持人员。
该表的索引是hwEntPbxSrvAbbUserName和hwEntPbxSrvAbbCodeNum。 该表的表项为hwEntPbxSrvAbbEntry。 OID 节点名称 数据类型 含义 实现规格 状态 hwEntPbxSrvAbbUserName OCTET STRING 索引,PBX用户名 长度范围:1~32 not-accessible current
This chapter presents an outline of various aspects of language contact in Newar. It also introduces the Newar language and people and its ethnic and demographic profile in Kathmandu Valley. The Chapter examines the various patterns of language use and attitudes in Newar. Likewise, the chapter ...