there are still predictable areas in which the material they produce is often deficient or defective. Real language innovation does not just involve using the structures of existing languages or adding prefixes or suffixes to existing words or combining syllables in a new way. Even a ...
Example 2: A woman named Susan wants to open her own business. She enters her own first name in the first names tool and discovers that her name sounds exotic and exciting in a different language: she names her company "Shoshana" – which is the Hebrew version of her name. ...
language lang map mapping convert json bcp47 ietf sindresorhus •5.0.0•10 months ago•304dependents•MITpublished version5.0.0,10 months ago304dependentslicensed under $MIT 22,414,734 @formatjs/intl-localematcher Intl.LocaleMatcher ponyfill ...