关键词检测(Keyword Spotting)是从语音或文本中识别特定关键词或短语的技术。这一技术在语音识别、自然语言处理等多个领域有着广
4.5 KWS Deployment on Microcontroller 我们在基于Cortex-M7,使用CMSIS-NN内核的STM32F746G-DISCO开发板上部署了我们的KWS应用。这里部署了DNN模型,采用了8字节权重和激活,KWS每秒进行10次推理。每次推理,包括内存拷贝,MFCC特征提取和DNN推理,总计12 ms。微处理器可以在Wait-for-Interrupt (WFI)模式下工作,从而节约...
Follow the README instructions in your desired demo project (e.g.nucleo-l476-keyword-spotting) to connect the microphone to your STM32 board and run the demo with your custom-trained neural network. Note:Full tutorial coming soon. For now, here are some notes on what you need to do. It...
This action is commonly known as keyword spotting (KWS). When a keyword is detected, the device wakes up and its full-scale voice recognition is activated either on the cloud or on the device. In some devices, keywords are also used as voice commands, for example, ‘hello, start, stop...
解决方法: (1)打开我的电脑,对U盘进行格式化(分配大小, +2 分享1赞 观鸟镜吧 笔墨春秋战国 【目镜后】 施华洛世奇 AT80曾在电影《观鸟大年》中匆匆一瞥的施华上古旗舰观鸟镜, 施华洛世奇海白菜 AT(ST)80 观鸟镜( SWAROVSKI HABICHT AT(ST)80 spotting scope) 。由于年代久远,使用者不多,在中国的拥有者更...
Follow the README instructions in your desired demo project (e.g.nucleo-l476-keyword-spotting) to connect the microphone to your STM32 board and run the demo with your custom-trained neural network. Note:Full tutorial coming soon. For now, here are some notes on what you need to do. It...