遇到不会做的题(数字代码),Ctrl+C再Ctrl+V查看下Solution path(解题思路)。如果是图片稍微辛苦点,初始界面手动把题目的数字填到正确的位置,再解题。 用它做题也很方便,数字键直接填数,Ctrl+数字键(标记候选数),善用Ctrl和Shift还可以多选 分享81 谜符号吧 常规 求助找个靠谱的up有没有靠谱的up推荐啊 分享3...
相比与之前的版本增加了题目数量 增加了截图功能,在做数独题目的时候可以截图,截下的图片保留在SD卡MySudoku文件夹下相应的难度命名的文件夹下 优化 +2 分享17赞 各种分班吧 悲剧与喜剧 【准备一下】booklet for PVZ festival SUDOKU&PUZZLES online1L总受 春节前几天打算发到吧内 分享15赞 数独吧 风云际会...
– Mercenaries are no longer guaranteed to include cultural men at arms; they’re just likely to 佣兵不再必然有文化特色兵种 – Mercenary companies of cultures that have Camel Riders unlocked will no longer include tons of camels for no reason 修骆驼bug – Armored horsemen and war elephants can...
分享3赞 workbench吧 柠檬汁水99 各位大神救救我吧,这是什么意思在ansysworkbench中求解时候出现这个错误这是什么,改怎么改呢#workbench# The solver engine was unable to converge on a solution for the nonlinear problem as constrained. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the Help System for more info...
Alternatively, set the variable "contactAllowEmpty" to 1 in order to allow the solution to proceed with a warning which can be used to identify the offending pair(s). 分享2214 中山爱梨沙吧 ♀睡莲未睡♀ 【下载】《Heart to Heart》无损下载我终于空出时间把这张传上来了~泪~ 分享12赞 to...