They do their crossword puzzles, they do wordle, they do all sorts of things related to language, so why not?Jared Bauman:Good find, very good find. That's a fun one, that's a funSpencer Haws:ThankJared Bauman:one.Spencer Haws:you. All right, Jared, what do you got for us?
分享回复赞 洛阳diy留学吧吧 斯旺西英语 英语特色词汇:游戏guessing game 猜谜crossword puzzle 纵横拼字谜charade 凭动作猜字谜blindman's buff 捉迷藏hunt-the-thimble 藏手帕puss-in-the-corner (五人玩的)抢位置游戏ludo 色子游戏,骰子游戏lotto 排号码牌游戏... 分享回复赞 健康一百年吧 singing_home 魏社鹏魏...
分享581 topgear吧 ElegantEagle [90年代] 我就说一下我的感受And for the typical human being living in any comparatively stable nation, the solution, for the most part, is to shut it all out.We wake up and stumble through the morning, get to work, get on Facebook, see ... 分享1471 保...
1913年,《纽约世界报》(New York World)第一次在报纸上登载了填字游戏(crossword),在当时引发了公众的强烈反响,自此便开启了纸媒为其读者提供猜谜游戏(puzzles)的传统。 分享回复赞 北美票房榜吧 能喝一斤多丶👻 【TNABO】“冬兵”演员塞巴斯蒂安斯坦自曝想扮演谜语人在漫威电影宇宙担任“冬兵”一角的明星塞...