keytool -delete -alias 指定需删除的keystore别名 -keystore 指定keystore -storepass 密码 -printcert 查看导出的证书信息 keytool -printcert -file yushan.crt -keypasswd 修改密钥库中指定条目口令 keytool -keypasswd -alias 需修改的别名 -keypass 旧密码 -new 新密码 -storepass keystore密码 -keystore s...
keytool -keypasswd -alias test1 -keypass testtesttest1 -new testtest1 -storepass testtest -keystore test.keystore 功能: 将密钥库test.keystore中别名为test1的证书条目的密码修改为testtest1 我使用的命令: keytool -genkey -alias friend -keypass friend4life -validity 10000 -keystore ijvmkeys 赋给i...
public static void exportPrivateKey(PrivateKey privateKey, String exportFile) throws Exception { BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); String encoded = encoder.encode(privateKey.getEncoded()); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(exportFile); fileWriter.write("---Begin Private Key---\r\...
keytool -exportcert -keystore client.keystore -file client.cer -alias clientkey -storepass $storepass echo "add server cert to client trust keystore" keytool -importcert -keystore client_trust.keystore -file server.cer -alias client_trust_server \ -storepass $storepass -noprompt echo "add c...
Create new Private Key and Certificate Signing Request 生成private key 和 生成 CSR 合并成一步 openssl req -out ca.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private.key -config san.cnf 例子 $ openssl req -out ca.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ca.key -config san.cnf ...
-keystore /soft/tomcat7-80/conf/keystore 3.4 导入证书 keytool -importcert -file /soft/tomcat7-80/conf/server.crt -alias myCA -keystore /soft/tomcat7-80/conf/keystore -trustcacerts 解释如下: keytool -importcert \ # 导入命令 # 从哪里导入?
第一种:自己生成密钥和CSR(Certificate Signing Request,证书签名请求文件),把CSR给CA机构,机构会生成一个cert文件给你,然后要把该cert文件导入到自己的密钥文件里。 第二种:直接在CA生成所有,然后会给回private key和cert文件,配置到服务器端使用即可。
If this attempt fails, then the keytool command prompts you for the private/secret key password. Items in italics (option values) represent the actual values that must be supplied. For example, here is the format of the -printcert command: keytool -printcert {-file cert_file} {-v} ...
PrivateKey prikey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey("signLegal", "vagrant".toCharArray()); //2.根据命令行参数取公钥 FileInputStream certfis = new FileInputStream(args[0]); cf ="X.509"); ...
PrivateKey prikey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey("signLegal","vagrant".toCharArray()); //2.根据命令行参数取公钥 FileInputStream certfis =newFileInputStream(args[0]); cf ="X.509"); ...