主要格式keytool 采用 keystore 文件来存储密钥及证书,其中可包括私钥、信任证书;keystore 文件主要使用 JKS格式(也可支持其他格式),带密钥存储;其中私钥的存储也有独立的密码;其他格式 一、生成私钥和证书 keytool -genkeypair -alias serverkey -keystore server.keystore 按提示 输入keystore 存储密码、私钥密码、...
However, the self−signed certificate can be used to obtain a certificate from a known CA, as we'll see in just a bit. 1. 2. 这种方式下建立的key entry包含private key,而public key包含在自签名的certificate中。详细点:这个certificate利用distinguished name来区别public key的持有者,同时这个certifi...
Manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates.Synopsis keytool [commands] commands See Commands. These commands are categorized by task as follows: Create or Add Data to the Keystore -gencert -genkeypair -genseckey -importcert -...
9.5. Add a Certificate to a Truststore Using KeytoolProcedure 9.3. Add a Certificate to a Truststore Using Keytool Run the keytool -import -alias ALIAS -file public.cert -storetype TYPE -keystore server.truststore command: keytool -import -alias teiid ...
specified when you add an entity to the keystore using the-genkeycommand to generate a key pair (public and private key) or the-importcommand to add a certificate or certificate chain to the list of trusted certificates. Subsequentkeytoolcommands must use this same alias to refer to the ...
Keytool 是一个Java数据证书的管理工具 ,Keytool将密钥(key)和证书(certificates)存在一个称为keystore的文件中在keystore里,包含两种数据:密钥实体(Key entity)-密钥(secret key)或者是私钥和配对公钥(采用非对称加密)可信任的证书实体(trusted certificate entries)-只包含公钥 ...
A trusted certificate entry is a public key certificate that belongs to another entity and that the owner of the keystore has determined to be trustworthy.Each entry in the keystore is identified by a unique alias. When you add an entity to the keystore, you must specify an alias.The ava...
Keytool是一個Java資料證書的管理工具,Keytool將金鑰(key)和證書(certificates)存在一個稱為keystore的檔中 在keystore裡,包含兩種資料: 金鑰實體(Key entity):金鑰(secret key)又或者是私密金鑰(Private Key)和配對公開金鑰(採用非對稱加密) 可信任的證書實體(trusted certificate entries):只包含公開金...
Keystore provider: SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry Alias name: serverkey Creation date: Jul 22, 2017 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry Certificate chain length: 1 Certificate[1]: Owner: C=CN, ST=GD, L=SZ, O=vihoo, OU=dev, CN=vihoo.com ...
The hwkeytool utility is provided with the IBMJCECCA provider. Use this utility to manage keystores, which contain private keys and their associated X.509 certificate chains, which authenticate the corresponding public keys. You can also use the utility