Watch a beautiful macro photography slideshow when your monitor is put to sleep mode. Watch a beautiful Macro photography slideshow when your monitor is put to sleep mode. These photos show off the capabilities of Canon cameras and Canon Macro lenses. Transition time and effects can be configured...
0),"F1");btn.getActionMap().put("F1",aa);btn.addActionListener(aa);//so button can be clickedJTextFieldtf=newJTextField("added to show ENTER wont work unless button in focus");frame.add(tf);frame.add(btn,BorderLayout.SOUTH);frame.pack();frame.setVisible(true);}});}}...
If you make chords, you want to put the chords first in the list, going from biggest chords to smallest chords. This will make them hit at the same time to make a chord sound. If you just make all single notes, then it will go through the loop in order of how you have it listed...