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Ahead of thisearnings release, the estimate revisions trend for Keysight: unfavorable. While the magnitude and direction of estimate revisions could change following the company's just-released earnings report, the current status translates into a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell) for the stock. So, the shar...
Price to Sales (P/S)5.61 Price to Cash Flow (P/CF)19.40 P/FCF Ratio21.70 Enterprise Value/Market CapN/A Enterprise Value/Revenue5.63 Enterprise Value/Gross Profit8.95 Enterprise Value/Ebitda24.29 Forecast 1Y Price Target$182.86 Price Target Upside13.84% Upside Rating ConsensusModerate Buy Number...
· Monetary gain took center stage as a key cybercrime motivator. There was a huge uptick in the deployment of ransomware starting in June. While this trend was directed across all industries, healthcare was hit especially hard. 59 percent of the attacks occurred during the...
Becoming philosophically, the old HP way was to enable people acvieve something by supplying well-documented, open instruments that could serve needs that not even the inventors of the instrument could think of. Now, we see a trend for a proprietary ecosystem where you try to generate ...