KeyShot8最新功能预览:2018年10月3日更:Luxion公司已经发布了KeyShot 8,并在其官网上发布了KeyShot 8新功能预览,其中展示了一些使用体积、剖面和位移功能制作的优秀图像。 除了上述的功能,该软件的两个版本都新增了ImageStyles选项,可以在后期对渲染进行无损化调整,包括光泽贴图调整,曲线调整等等。 软件的两个版本还...
If realism is what you’re looking for, it’s important to understand what you’re trying to replicate. Keyshot’s algorithms can do a lot behind the scenes, but making realistic renders means understanding photography theory, and knowing what to look for when it comes to image styles. Ther...
Preserved Image Quality- When you zoom in on your KeyShotXR, the image quality is preserved to ensure every detail is captured. Interior KeyShotXR- A KeyShotXR that uses the camera itself as the pivot center to capture first-person view of the scene. ...
Next, make sure you haven’t changed any of the exposure, gamma or contrast settings in the image styles tab. Those changes won’t be saved to render passes, only your rgb pass. If the two above are correct, then the discrepancy likely comes down to an incorrectly-rendered KeyShot ...