Keynesian Economics vs. Regular Economics.The author contends that there is no meaningful empirical or theoretical support for Keynesian economics, which argues that incentives and other forces in regular economics are overwhelmed by the effects involving aggregate demand at least in recessions.Barro...
HMT, nevertheless, contends that the empirical evidence suggests that non‐tariff barriers between the EU and the US 'increase trade costs by around 10%, making them nearly three times larger than US tariffs’ (HMT, 2016, Box 1 A, p. 35). However, it would be very misleading to apply...
Finding Time: The Economics of Work-Life Conflict: Finally, the book's strength also lies in the sharply illustrative, instructive, and often counterintuitive details it sheds light on. With all the efforts Ban makes in keeping his narrative within the limits of his theoretical agenda,... E ...
The paper contends that the derivation of the aggregate demand curve in the new Keynesian literature is insufficient to provide the theoretical ground for the use to which it is usually put; namely, as a theoretical basis for the claim that long-run wage and price flexibility would push a ...
Labor economicsDemand curvesStudiesIndonesia continues to bear the scars of the 1997 financial crisis, with the highest open unemployment rate in Southeast Asia. The orthodox interpretation is that the post-crisis era is typified by overly generous labor legislation granting higher minimum wages and ...