keyframe interval and max b-frames for high FPS recordings Hey everyone! I'm trying to perfect my obs settings as best as a can and so far it's been going well. I understand most terminology but two settings that I don't really understand very well are "keyframe interval" and "max ...
I understand most terminology but two settings that I don't really understand very well are "keyframe interval" and "max b frames." It seems like most people recommend leaving both settings at the value of 2 but I'm in a bit of a pickle because I record at a very high fps. ...
Have any way to set an interval between the loops? The property “animation-delay” just add a delay before the animation start, then loop without the delay. I know that I can resolve with a simple “setInterval” script, but I’m trying to figure if have any way to reach to the ...
These methods assume an acceptable correlation between the time interval between frames and the appearance change of the environment. Usually, they are not concerned with the selection itself, but reducing the number of frames to be processed without increasing the system’s complexity. For instance,...
The time interval between adjacent keyframes is Δ𝑇ΔT milliseconds, and the response period of the mechanical transmission is 𝜏τ (usually set to 70 ms), so the time interval can be divided into 𝑀≤⌊Δ𝑇/𝜏⌋M≤⌊ΔT/τ⌋ segments. Note that if 𝑀≤0M≤0, no ...