Digital MicroscopeVHX-7000 series The VHX-7000 Series is a fully-automated digital microscope system that enables even novice users to capture high-resolution images that rival an SEM. The Optical Shadow Effect Mode features a combination of specially designed high-resolution lenses, a 4K CMOS, and...
Digital MicroscopeVHX-7000 series The VHX-7000 Series is a fully-automated digital microscope system that enables even novice users to capture high-resolution images that rival an SEM. The Optical Shadow Effect Mode features a combination of specially designed high-resolution lenses, a 4K CMOS, and...
4K High Accuracy digital microscope capable of capturing high resolution images and measurement data for inspection and failure analysis, at the push of a button.
Keyence Microscope Microscope in a Box说明书 Pod C:Keyence Microscope Microscope in a Box Kyle Marchuk Austin Edwards Mohammad Naser Harrison Wismer August2022 Contents 1Introduction2 2Hardware Start-Up2 3Software Start-Up3 4Loading the Sample4 5Focusing and Navigating the Sample4 6Scanning5 6.1...
Keyence microscope stage with rotating wafer holder used Manufacturer:Keyence EquipX inc 140mm diameter rotating wafer holder San Jose, CA, USA KEYENCE VHX-X1F new Manufacturer:Keyence Digital Microscope Base Model Image format: JPEG (with compression), TIFF (without compression) |...
Digital Microscope / VHX-7000 Series Digital microscope by KEYENCE Optical microscope with great depth and modern measurement functions for inspection and failure analysis. - Depth composition in real time - High resolution HDR with even better resolution - Rapid access to advanced features - Compact ...
Keyence digital microscope boosts resolution 25%Susan NordykDatasheets Com
Laser Microscope 3D Optical Profilometers Fluorescence Microscopes Optical Metrology Systems For product users only. IM Series LM Series LM-X Series 3D Measurement Systems For product users only. XM Series WM Series 3D Scanner Controls PLC/HMI ...
Keyence Corp. of America has released its latest microscope system, the VHX-2000. The VHX series digital microscopes were designed to alleviate the shortcomings of traditional, optical light microscopes: shallow depth of field, short working distance, lack of portability and versatility, and sample ...
•Set the microscope to use the 10x objective when changing samples, also when leaving the instrument unattended. Also, lower the sample stage using the manual knob, rotating the knob towards you.•During measurements, the instrument will vary the distance of the lens to the sample. You ...