I'm discovering Keycloak. I created a first client app to test and got an access token. Now I'd like to test userinfo endpoint with this token but I get a 403 error because of missing openid scope in my token. I discovered it's a recent behavior change since this pull #14237 I hav...
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false; options.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true; options.SaveTokens = true; options.Scope.Clear(); foreach (var scope in scopes) { options.Scope.Add(scope); } options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents { OnTokenValidated = context => { //获取到了id_token v...
We may start testing in the web browser. First, let’s call theloginendpoint. We have to available clientskeycloak-with-test-scopeandkeycloak-without-test-scope. We will use the clientkeycloak-with-test-scope. Then, the gateway redirects us to the Keycloakloginpage. We can use the credential...
我用的是和密钥披风。我在nuxt.config.js中的配置: keycloak: { _scheme: 'oauth2', client_id: 'client-bo', userinfo_endpoint: 'SERVER/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo', authorization_endpoint: 'SERVER/protocol/openid-connect/auth', //userinfo_endpoint: false, acc 浏览2提问于2020-10-08得票数 ...
在Keycloak中,令牌端点(token endpoint)用于获取访问令牌和刷新令牌。当Keycloak抱怨令牌端点上的redirect_uri无效时,意味着在进行身份验证时,重定向URI(redirect_uri)参数提供的值无效。 重定向URI是在进行身份验证后,将用户重定向回应用程序的URI。它用于接收包含访问令牌或授权码的回调请求。当Keycloak抱怨重定向URI无...
role_attribute_path-JMESPathexpression to use for Grafana role lookup. Grafana will first evaluate the expression using the OAuth2 ID token. If no role is found, the expression will be evaluated using the user information obtained from the UserInfo endpoint. The result of the evaluation should be...
Example, the access token can be used to get UserInfo from Keycloak itself, or, get Big Query data from for the user authenticated into Google, etc... So if the access token is designed this way then using it to control the access to the web-app Quarkus application would not be ...
Keycloak是一个开源的身份认证和授权解决方案,它提供了一系列REST API来管理和保护应用程序的用户身份验证和授权访问。 自定义端点的REST URL是指可以通过Keycloak的扩展机制自定义的RESTful API。通过自定义端点,我们可以根据业务需求添加自定义的功能和逻辑。 Keycloak的自定义端点REST URL可以通过创建Keycloak插件来实现。
config.well_known_template false see description A string template that the well known endpoint for keycloak is created from. String formatting is applied on the template and %s is replaced by the issuer of the token. Default value is %s/.well-known/openid-configuration config.scope no A list...