我正在尝试通过 API 调用在 Keycloak 22.0.3 服务器中创建新用户。 我的代码大部分工作正常,因为它设法创建用户,并设法将用户添加到特定组,但是新创建的用户在 Keycloak 中被禁用,并且凭据没有被保存,如您所见用户列表: 并在新创建的用户的凭据选项卡中: . 这是我从 NodeJS/Typescript 代码中进行的 API 调用...
return new KeycloakUserApi(keycloakFactory, Clock.systemUTC()); } 代码示例来源:origin: EnMasseProject/enmasse log.info("Creating user {} in realm {}", user.getSpec().getUsername(), realmName); user.validate(); validateForCreation(user); withRealm(realmName, realm -> { if (userExists(...
Kubernetes 要求使用的 OpenID Connect 认证服务必须是 HTTPS 加密的,运行以下脚本生成 Keycloak 服务器的私钥和证书签名请求,并使用 Kubernetes 的 CA 证书进行签发,当然这里你也可以另外生成自己的 CA 证书进行签发,如果这样做的话,请注意在7.1 启用 OpenID Connect 认证章节中将 CA 证书挂载进 API Server容器中。 ...
Just add the following class as a @Configuration class to the API gateway application. In this class,I’m allowing our Registration API URL to access without any authentication. This API will be written on our next steps to create API endpoints on user creation. packagecom.javatodev.finance....
saml-core-api Use a default Java version from root POM (keycloak#29927) Jun 21, 2024 saml-core Add information to SAML parser exceptions Sep 27, 2024 server-spi-private [FGAP] Create scopes upon creation of the admin permission client Dec 11, 2024 server-spi Add ProviderConfigProperty type...
If a new user comes, s/he can click the link and starts new login process immediately before credentials entering. Even though not perfect, it helps to reduce login timeout occurrence. 4. API 4.1. Constructor Creates Keyclops instance. The instance is not fully initialized until init() has...
1、Shiro是Apache下的一个开源项目,我们称之为Apache Shiro。它是一个很易用与Java项目的的安全框架,...
api: enabled: true license: accept: true license: L-XRNH-47FJAW use: AppConnectEnterpriseProduction pod: containers: content-server: resources: limits: memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 50m memory: 50Mi control-ui: resources: limits: memory: 512Mi...
final UserRepresentation user = identityAPIClient.findByIdentityProviderAndFederatedUsername(request.getIssueInformation().getPlatform().name().toLowerCase(), claim.getSolver()); final Context context = new Context(); context.setVariable("platformBasepath", platformBasepath); context.setVariable("reques...