兼容VIA软件,算是客制化键盘的标配。大家问客服要json文件时记得分清楚旋钮版和普通版就行,整体上手不算难(主要就是改改功能键和背光效果)。 通过一个多月的使用,敦实铝合金底座+Gasket结构让我彻底不再想用传统机械键盘,敲击手感的那份扎实与稳定在调优后更加得心应手。作为初入客制坑的玩家,Q1可以算的是一个...
Just messed around with this on my new Q1 a bit more. Couldn't get anything working - then I tried this: https://usevia.app/ From here I can successfully authorize and configure my keyboard! (Remember to enable Design and upload the JSON file from Keychron). Author DeFlanko commented ...
if a bit fiddly for the uninitiated. You just go to the VIA website, upload the relevant JSON file, and get customizing via the graphical interface.Keychron has a guide
Microsoft has not shared other details about the iPhone to Windows file-sharing feature, just installation instructions. To use this function, you must install the previously released Phone Link for iOS app. Microsoft made the Phone Link for iOS app available last spring enabling iPhone users to ...