K1 Version 2则是采用7.8mm高的矮机械青轴,并采用悬浮键帽设计,这个特殊设计的矮机械青轴,除可让这把机械键盘的厚度再次压缩外,更重要的是提供Apple原厂键盘没有的回馈手感,但比起依正常轴长的机械键盘来说,还是需要花点时间来习惯一下。 Keychron K1 2代超薄蓝牙机械键盘979元 淘宝网 >...
具备薄型设计的Keychron K1 Version 2机械键盘,支援目前市售的四大作业系统,并能透过有线或蓝牙无线的方式进行连接,最多能够连接三个不同装置的设计,对于使用者来说也相当便利,搭配完整的功能按键,以及特别设计的独立功能按键,对于实际应用上的真的有很大的帮助。特别设计的短轴机械青轴,虽然键程稍微短一些,但还是具...
65% compact. Hot-swappable switch option Keychron K1 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 4) $660 $600 超薄機身、極簡風格 Keychron K2 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 2) $700 $600 完美演繹桌面美學 Keychron K4 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard ...
Keychron is the first all-purpose wireless Mechanical Keyboard. This new version of the K1 model offers an Ultra-slim Wireless Mechanical Keyboard fully compatible with both iOS/macOS and Windows/AndriodSpecs Reviews Learn more about the Keychron K1-L2 Inaccurate specs? Let us know Feedback Model...
规格:Keychron K1 104键 RGB 茶轴 v4版本(下面是官网链接) Keychron K1 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 4)www.keychron.com/products/keychron-k1-wireless-mechanical-keyboard?variant=31871620022361 购买原因:原来的青轴键盘在室友休息的时候使用真的很欠打,在看到b站up主的推荐后,就入手了这款新键盘 87...
K1's Layout Keychron is here to make typing easier and better. The Keychron keyboard offers several different key quantities, an 87 and 104 key layout and improved layout on new version, to best meet your needs. Compatible with both iOS/macOS and Windows/Android, simply switch between the op...
Keychron K3 Version $83.99 1store Keychron V5 Wired Custom Knob Version, Pro Mac Windows Linux $89.99 1store Keychron K3 V2 RGB Hot Swap (Nordic) $94.99 1store Keychron V1-A3 Gaming Toetsenbord $99.99 1store Keychron K1 Pro QMK/VIA Ultra-Slim USB Mac Windows Linux, TKL $99.99...
Explore a world of lifestyle products, including the Keychron K1 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 5) - 87 Keys. Purchase with miles or a combination of miles plus cash. Shop now.
Keychron K1 Wireless Mechanical Keyboard, Tenkeyless Layout Ultra-Slim Bluetooth/Wired RGB Backlit 87 Keys with Gateron Low-Profile Blue Switch Compatible with Mac Windows - Version 5 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Ke
2 Reviews Product sellpoints Keychron Q3|Keychron K1 Hot Swappable|Ultra-Hard Shell Protection:Engineered with an ultra-hard shell, this case safeguards your keyboard from drops, impacts, and crushes. Lightweight and Portable:Designed for travel, this case is lightweight and easy to carry, making...