With Chinese character and structure of the original image, the "upper end" of the coding and the main projection methods to achieve four projects keyboard input of Chinese characters: single character code system tone mapping key code input, three-character code system image barcode input keys, ...
or a combination of words that can be composed of a representative pronunciation of Chinese characters, making it more suitable for unskilled Pinyin touch keys on the 399 people who use, when in use, the user only needs to tap the Text homophone need to find the required text, which greatly...
One of the available keyboards lets you add Chinese characters to the content you type. Our guide below will show you how to add this Chinesekeyboard iPhoneutility so that you can start typing in Chinese instead of any other languages that are currently available to you on the device. LATEST...
SELECTOR FOR INNBOARD CHINESE CHARACTER AND OPTIONAL CHINESE CHARACTER OF TYPEWRITER PURPOSE:To make it possible to select easily Chinese characters as many as the number of needed character kinds by one character key and one shift key, by allotting not more than four limited kinds of Chinese ch...
Tap to enable Chinese alphabets and characters Type words or sentences in Chinese language Chinese to English Voice Translator Type in English only In case you don’t want to type in Chinese anymore, you can: Disable Chinese keyboard to use English only ...
公开/公告日期: 1977-01-28 申请(专利权)人: HATSUTORI MOTOAKI 发明人: H Motoaki 摘要: PURPOSE:To input information by detecting lights which are turned on successively from the line direction and lights which are turned successively from the row with a light pen.收藏...
* Make input Chinese characters easy by enabling hand writing mode on the writing board* The handwriting now only supports traditional and simplified Chinese* Hand writing function automatically identifies both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese* High and fast recognition rate.HOW TO USE1. It ...
The invention provides a Chinese typing keyboard, selecting Chinese characters, individual characters, radicals (parts), and strokes as etymons, separating the 26 English-letter keys into five regions, where each key is distributed with three etymons, and using the English letter in the key where...
The fascinating evolution of typing Chinese characters From Wubi to Zhineng ABC, here are the different ways Chinese people have typed their language over the years. “As someone who also has used these keyboards, this was absolutely horrifying,” says Mona Wang, a PhD student in computer scienc...
Chinese characters with obvious up-and-down structure and left-and-right structure are code-fetched by choosing 3 to 8 strokes containing the previous three of the upper structure and the previous one to five of the lower structure according to stroke writing order; (2) Chinese characters withou...