打开Chrome设置(Chrome://设置) 关闭当前选项卡 新标签 从内存卸载选项卡 重复当前选项卡 回到上一页 向前转到下一页 将当前选项卡移至首先 将当前选项卡移至最后 静音/取消静音当前选项卡 引脚/ Untin Current Tab 重新加载选项卡 新窗口 新的隐身窗口 ...
You can access Primavera Administration functions in Google Chrome using the following keyboard shortcuts.Action Shortcut Access the Home page Alt + H Access the Help menu Alt + P Cancel Alt + R Save Alt + S Zoom In Ctrl + + Zoom Out Ctrl + - Selects the Errors button when it...
Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts NavigationTo do thisPress this Open a new window Ctrl + N Open a new tab Ctrl + T Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl + Shift + N Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome Press Ctrl + O, then select file...
Tab and window shortcuts Google Chrome feature shortcuts Address bar shortcuts Use the following shortcuts in the address bar: Webpage shortcuts Text shortcuts
Browsing the web without a mouse will probably be some pain, but Google Chrome shortcuts will help you to jump to the address bar faster, switch between tabs easier and reach lots of functions without using the mouse. You'll be sorry if you weren't using any of them. ...
The tables below contain keyboard shortcuts in Oracle Primavera Cloud that are specific to the Google Chrome browser. The following shortcuts are for Windows. These shortcuts apply to the main pages of the application: Action Shortcut Access the Keyboard Shortcuts Help Ctrl + Shift + / Access...
Tired of Chrome's primitive built-in HTML5 video player? This extension adds an extensive list of keyboard controls to improve your viewing experience. The shortcuts are only active on videos with the default controls enabled, so don't worry about them messing up YouTube or other custom video...
Google chrome feature shortcuts ActionShortcut Open the Chrome menu Alt + f or Alt + e Show or hide the Bookmarks bar Ctrl + Shift + b Open the Bookmarks Manager Ctrl + Shift + o Open the History page in a new tab Ctrl + h Open the Downloads page in a new tab Ctrl + j Open...
Chrome中的出厂键盘和鼠标快捷方式。 这是唯一在所有浏览器选项卡上使用的快捷方式管理器。 常规的镀铬扩展是不可能的。 自动控制不是常规的扩展。 当前,AutoControl目前仅在Windows操作系统上工作。 如果您仍然有兴趣,请继续阅读以了解为什么自动控制有所不同。
Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts Goal Shortcut Open a new tab Hold Command and press T Close the current tab Hold Command and press W Reopen last tab closed Hold Command and Shift, then press T View next tab Hold Command and Option, then press the right arrow key View previous tab Hold Command...