To quickly find a shortcut in this article, press Ctrl+F, and enter your search word. If an action does not have a corresponding shortcut key, you can record a macro to create one. Learn how here: Create or run a macro or Use a screen reader to create a macro in Word. Not all...
Extend the selection of rows to include the row that you select and all the rows in between. You can use this keyboard shortcut after you use Ctrl+Up arrow or Ctrl+Down arrow to extend your selection. Not applicable. Ctrl+Up arrow(Ctrl+Cmd+Up arrow) Move focus to the previous row, ...
Key Promoter Xis a plugin that shows a popup notification with the corresponding keyboard shortcut whenever a command is executed using the mouse. It also suggests creating a shortcut for commands that are executed frequently. If you are using one of the predefined keymaps, you can print theco...
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to the Content Editor Web Part. The Standard toolbar To do this Press Cut the selection to the Clipboard. CTRL+X Copy the selection to the Clipboard. CTRL+C Paste the contents of the Clipboard to the current location. CTRL+V SHIFT+INSERT Undo...
This table shows the most frequently used shortcuts in Microsoft Word.Go to "Tell me what you want to do": Alt+QOpen: Ctrl+OSave: Ctrl+SClose: Ctrl+WCut: Ctrl+XCopy: Ctrl+CPaste: Ctrl+VSelect all: Ctrl+ABold: Ctrl+BItalic: Ctrl+IUnderline: Ctrl+UDecrease font size 1 point: ...
or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W [Workflow Designer] Edit.CompleteWord Copy Ctrl+Cor Ctrl+Insert Edit.Copy Cut Ctrl+Xor Shift+Delete Edit.Cut Delete Delete [Team Explorer]or Shift+Delete [Sequence Diagram, UML Activity Diagram, Layer Diagram]or Ctrl+Delete [Class Diagram] Edit.Delete...
pressCTRL+SHIFTtocreatetheshortcutkey project. F2renamestheselecteditems. CTRL+rightarrowkeymovestheinsertionpointtothe beginningofthenextword. CTRL+leftarrowmovetheinsertionpointtothestartofthe previousword. CTRL+downarrowkeystomovetheinsertionpointtothe beginningofthenextparagraph. CTRL+uparrowmovethe...
Apply the current edit and go to next row in the same column. Shift+Enter Apply the edit and go to the previous row. Apply the current edit and go to the previous row in the same column.Keyboard shortcuts for the geometry properties table Create annotation Keyboard shortcutActionComment Ctr...
Command+Option+F8 Edit text macro Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F8 Command+Option+Shift+F8 Insert macro text Alt+Shift+F8 Option+Shift+F8 Keys for resolving conflicts between Mac OS 10.3x and 10.4 This table isn’t a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren’t display...
Insert the current date and timeCtrl+;then␣ SpacebarthenCtrl+⇧ Shift+;Insert the current date and time within an active cell. Insert separatorNumpad.Insert separator within an active cell. Auto Fill (Open drop-down list)Alt+↓Use this shortcut in an empty cell below or above existing...