对于除了Pause键之外的所有键而言,键盘针对Press Key和Release Key两个动作会分别产生两个Scan code,被称作Make Code和Break Code。在这两个动作之间的时间段里,会按照一定的频率产生Repeat code。在大多数情况下,由于你的击键速度非常快,所以不会产生Repeat code;但在任何情况下,肯定会产生Make code和Break Code。
Glance at your keyboard and chances are you'll see a few keys you never use near the top-right corner: Sys Rq, Scroll Lock, and Pause / Break.
vk_backspace backspace key vk_tab tab key vk_home home key vk_end end key vk_delete delete key vk_insert insert key vk_pageup pageup key vk_pagedown pagedown key vk_pause pause/break key vk_printscreen printscreen/sysrq key vk_f1 ... vk_f12 keycode for the function keys F1 to ...
Pausebreak键:暂停键。将某一动作或程序暂停。键盘品牌 罗技logitech雷蛇Razer微软MicrosoftSteelSeries赛睿CHERRYCherry英文翻译为“樱桃”。在输入外设领域。它是全球数一数二的专业键盘制造厂商。CherryGmbH。成立于1965年,一家德国公司。主要从事生产电脑周遍键盘以及Switch(轴)。专业度极强。
Pause/Break:pause/pausekey Thesmallkeyboardareaandauxiliarykeyboardarea,mainlyfor thesituationoflargeamountsofdigitalinput. Thenumberkeys0-9:digitalkeyfunctionandmainkeyboardof thesame. Symbolickey/*+:thefunctionisthesameasthatofthemain keyboardarea. ...
Please notice that there aren't pause/break key and Scroll Lockkey on the keyboard for new Notebooks. If you want to use these functions, you can operate as the following instruction : + : Pause + : Break + : Scroll LockCurrently, the arrow keys on new laptop keyboards do not have Pa...
Pause]or[Break]:pausekey Pressthisbuttontomakethecommandorapplicationthatthecomputerisexecutingtemporarilystopworkinguntilanykeyispressedonthekeyboard.Inaddition,accordingtothe[Ctrl][Break]keycaninterrupttheexecutionoftheprogramorcommandoperation. [Insert]or[Ins]:insertcharacterstoopenkey Pressthekeyoncetoenter...
物殊的Pause/Break键:e1 1d 45 e1 9d c5 2、小键盘scan code表 小键盘中的<home><Up><PgUp><Left><Right><End><Down><PgDn><Ins><Del>由NumLock按下后再按得来。 因此,会产生一个<NumLock> mark码后,再产生上述的mark码。 释放<NumLock>又产生一个break码。
and arrow keys in the clusters to the left of the numeric keypad; the NUM LOCK key; the BREAK (CTRL+PAUSE) key; the PRINT SCRN key; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the numeric keypad. The right-hand SHIFT key is not considered an extended-key, it has a separate scan code ...
! Configure F13 as Insert key ! F14 as PrintScr | F15 as ScrollLock ! F16 as Pause/Break keycode 182 = Insert keycode 183 = Print Sys_Req keycode 184 = Scroll_Lock keycode 93 = Pause Break ! Swap Alt and Command keys keycode 0x25 = Control_L keycode 0x73 = Alt_L Meta_L keycod...