- 减号,连字符 minus,hyphen _ 下划线 underscore,underline \ 反斜杠 backslash,escape / 斜杠,除号 slash,division symbol : 冒号 colon ; 分号 semicolon < 小于号 less than sign > 大于号 greater than sign , 逗号 comma ? 问好 question mark ^ 折音号 circumflex,caret <> 尖括号 angle bracketsWe...
(less than symbol) m u ] (right bracket) e f r g t = (equal sign) s w a q d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Shift+3 Shift+4 Shift+5 Shift+6 Shift+7 Shift+8 46 AIX® Version 6.1 Keyboard Technical Reference Belgian-French/Dutch Keyboard Translate Table The AIX® Version 4 ...
< less than > greater than ? question mark Additional Symbols There are additional symbols on international keyboards. Some of the following characters are accessed by either keyboard keys, shortcuts, or inserting symbols. Symbol Name £ pound sign, pound sterling ¢ cent sign, cents € euro...
Alone< (less than symbol) Shifted> (greater than symbol) AltCar} (right brace) ; Key Alone; (semi-colon) Shifted: (colon) AltCar~ (tilda) `Key (Normally quotation key) Alone` (accent grave - press this before an e to make è, or any other letter, àèìòù) ...
Thank you in advance! Hello guest43356, Welcome to Lenovo Community To clarify, you are looking for the Greater than ">" and Less than "<" symbol on your Lenovo Legion K510 Mini Pro Gaming Keyboard, right? Kindly check the image below, it is located on the low...
&“and sign” or “ampersand”. An abbreviation symbol for “and”. *“asterisk” or “star” (“opening parenthesis” )“closing parenthesis” _“low line”, “underbar”, “underline”, “underscore” -“hyphen-minus”, “hyphen”, “minus”: a typewriter symbol used for both hyphen and...
D'Angelo was hailed as the next Marvin Gaye by GQ in 2014.Following the release of the music video for Untitled (How Does It Feel), D'Angelo became uncomfortable with his growing status as a sex symbol. This was followed by numerous personal struggles including alcoholism, and a fourteen-...
When you are writing an email in your mail.com account, simply click the smiley symbol on the top navigation bar of the Compose E-mail window. This will open a panel with a wide range of emojis for you to choose from: You can insert a wide selection of emojis in your mail.com email...
If you want to type the Registered Trademark symbol less Option/Alt and R: Alt/Option-R = ® As for the ™ how you type depends on the keyboard: On a U.S. keyboard to type ™ you need to press: Alt/Option-2 = ™
Section Symbol§Alt + 0167 Copyright©Alt + 0169 Feminine Ordinal NumberªAlt + 0170 Double Angle Quotation Left«Alt + 0171 Double Less than Mark«Alt + 0171 Registered®Alt + 0174 Upper Dash¯Alt + 0175 Paragraph¶Alt + 0182 ...