These are the final keyboard commands for Microsoft's latest flight simulator,MSFS, or Microsoft Flight Simulator - or has it become affectionately named in the flight sim world (especially from older FS users), FS2020. FS2020is not the official name or abbreviation for this new release (it...
[UIKeyboardImpl handleKeyCommand:repeatOkay:beforePublicKeyCommands:testOnly:] + 4020 (UIKitCore + 11164260) [0x1c5938a64] 17 -[UIKeyboardImpl handleVerticalArrow:shiftDown:beforePublicKeyCommands:testOnly:isVerticalCandidate:hasCandidatesForTypedInput:inputDelegateCommandEnabled:canHandleInputDelegateCommand...
iPhone 7, iphoneos, arm64) a.k.a. 'hangZ的 iPhone' connected through USB... [+1180 ms] [ 0%] Looking up developer disk image [ +68 ms] [ 95%] Developer disk image mounted successfully [ +263 ms] [100%] Connecting to remote debug server [ ] --- [...
Re: Yamaha Genos 2 anticipated release date[Re: Tapas] #502262-02/16/2107:20 AM Re: Yamaha Genos 2 anticipated release date[Re: Tapas] #502264-02/16/2110:31 AM Re: Yamaha Genos 2 anticipated release date[Re: Tapas] #502265-02/16/2111:16 AM Re: Yamaha Genos 2 anticipated release...
As this is probably almost never going to see proper shutdown commands from the computer, I’m going to attach a shutdown script to gpio pin 6, but also have already set the system up with an fsoverlay to make the file system effectively read-only. (It’s not like I haven’t run ...
(unsupported: external, dll and compressed modes) - multi sector read/write commands implemented - hard disk now reporting ATA-3 supported - ATAPI 'inquiry' now returns a unique device name - Keyboard - reset sent to keyboard has no effect on the 8042 (scancode translation) - PCI - ...
在写入控制字与计数初值后, 每到10ms定时器就启动工作,即当计数器减到1时,输出端OUT0输出一个CLK周期的低电 平,向CPU申请中断,当达到100次时,则输出端OUT1输出1s,向CPU申请中断,由8255控制 一个数码管显示,当计数到60s时,则输出端OUT2向CPU申请中断,由另一数码管显示1min, 同理由数码管显示1h.CPU处理,...