Command + QQuit active app. Command + TOpens a new tab in Finder. Opens a new tab in a web browser. Command + NCreates new Finder window. Command + Shift + NCreates new folder in Finder. Command + SpaceLaunches Spotlight. Command + Option + SpaceSwitches to next keyboard language (if...
Command-Left Bracket ([) Zoom in Command-Plus (+) Zoom out Command-Minus (-) Make the text bigger Option-Command-Plus (+) Make the text smaller Option-Command-Minus (-) Return content to its actual size Shift-Command-0 (zero) Quit News Command-Q ...
Ctrl and + or Ctrl + Scroll up using mouseCommand and +Make everything on the page bigger. Ctrl and – or Ctrl + Scroll down using mouseCommand and –Make everything on the page smaller. Ctrl + 0 (Zero)Command + 0 (Zero)Return everything on the page to the default size. ...
Keyboards in laptops are made smaller by manufacturers to make them lighter and easy to carry. To operate your computer, you would require some peripheral devices like a mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc, but a laptop has a combination of all three. Windows has a few methods which allow users ...
Window resizing is off slightly for iTerm2 By default iTerm2 will only resize in increments of character widths. There might be a setting inside iTerm2 to disable this, but you can change it with the following command. defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 DisableWindowSizeSnap -integer 1 ...
The master can command a slave device to hold Park mode Park is the deepest of sleep modes. A master can command a slave to “park,” and that slave will become inactive until the master tells it to wake back up The act of establishing a connection between two Bluetooth devices is ...
Add Shift to the above keystrokes to make a selection to that point. On Laptops: Delete Text to the right of the cursor (like the Del key on a full keyboard)Function(fn)-Delete Non-touching (Discontinuous) text selectionsCommand-drag ...
command + shift + T Close the current window Ctrl + Shift + W command + shift + W Open an incognito window Ctrl + Shift + N command + shift + N Move the current tab to the left Ctrl + Shift + Page Up control + shift + fn + up arrow Move the current tab to the right Ctrl ...
PressCmd-T to open a new tab. If you close a tab by accident, Cmd-Shift-T will re-open it Make the contents of a web page larger or smaller usingCmd and either the + or - keys, depending on whether you want to zoom in or out. This also works in some other apps ...
Ctrl+Command-clickon the text 'pan' changes display to pan automation. Ctrl+Command-clickon the mute button changes display to mute automation. On the Mac, adding the Option key to any of the above will make the change to all tracks. These shortcuts work on both the Mix Window and the...