Keyboard Shortcuts for Arrow Symbols Arrow Symbol Description Arrow Symbol Arrow Symbol Shortcut Bold South East Arrow ➘ Alt + 10136 Bold Right Arrow ➙ Alt + 10137 Bold North East Arrow ➚ Alt + 10138 Drafting Point Right Arrow ➛ Alt + 10139 Bold Round Tipped Right Arrow ➜ Alt...
Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12 Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12 Display theReplacedialog boxCTRL+H Start incremental search. Type the characters to search for or press CTRL+I to search for characters from the previous searchCTRL+I ...
Display help for the current editor windowSHIFT+F1 Search keyboard shortcuts 展开表 ActionShortcut Display theFinddialog boxCTRL+F Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12 Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12 ...
Display help for the current editor windowSHIFT+F1 Search keyboard shortcuts 展开表 ActionShortcut Display theFinddialog boxCTRL+F Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12 Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12 ...
Display help for the current editor windowSHIFT+F1 Search keyboard shortcuts 展开表 ActionShortcut Display theFinddialog boxCTRL+F Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12 Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12 ...
All shortcuts aren't implemented in all types of code editors.展开表 ActionShortcut Toggle the full-screen display SHIFT+ALT+ENTER Scroll text up one line CTRL+UP ARROW Scroll text down one line CTRL+DOWN ARROW Reverse the last editi...
Using this AutoCorrect Feature, you can assign a short code to theLeft Arrow symbol(such asLFTARW). This way, whenever you type the textLFTARW, Word will think that you actually wanted to type←and will convert it into theLeft Arrow symbolfor you automatically. ...
Display help for the current editor windowSHIFT+F1 展开表 ActionShortcut Display theFinddialog boxCTRL+F Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12 Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12 Display theReplacedialog boxCTRL+H ...
For more ways to express yourself, choose from GIFs and Kaomoji too! Type all the symbols like a pro Sometimes you need to type a character that isn’t on your keyboard, like an em-dash (—) or the copyright symbol (©). If you have a numeric keypad on your keyboard, you don’...
Using the Up Arrow Symbol Shortcut The keyboard shortcut for the Up Arrow Symbol isAlt + 24. To use this shortcut, press down the[Alt]key whilst typing the Symbol alt code which is24. You must use the numeric keypad to type the alt code. Also, ensure that your Num Lock key is tu...