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代码示例来源:origin: KyoriPowered/text @Test voidtestDeserializeKeybind(){ assertEquals(KeybindComponent.of("key.jump"),GsonComponentSerializer.INSTANCE.deserialize("{\"keybind\":\"key.jump\"}")); } 代码示例来源:origin: KyoriPowered/text @Test voidtestRebuildWithNoChanges(){ finalKeybindComponen...
Also, you have to be aware thatbind!andunbind!use globalBINDINGSatom. If you want to use your own atom, just usebindandunbindversions (swap!your atom with them). You'll have to binddispatcher!on your own though. I was also thinking how would you have more than a single atom - if ...
I wanted to test using a Macro line with directly keybinding a GSE Sequence. There is a bit of stuff you will need to look at closely to understand this image. FIrstly the first Action is set to type "Macro" and has the single command /cast [@cursor] Final Reckoning This Sequence is...
The script is now working in the game only and that makes it very easy for me to test it as otherwise it used to mess up my windows. 1)Middle mouse button acts as held down right click and the right button acts as Ctrl, which is so far good BUT sometimes middle button acts as ri...
从域名服务器( 换光盘 [root@www /]# mount -t smbfs -o username=benet // /mnt 在主配置文件中添加区域 zone "test.com" IN { &nb linux dns 服务器 域名 其他 原创 137440593 2008-04-27 11:58:42 741阅读 linux socket bind Linux是一种开源的操作系统,其内...
test.com.key 100% 104 111.3KB/s 00:00[root@dns2 named]# vim /etc/named.confzone "test.com" IN { //修改区域定义配置type slave;file "slaves/test.com.zone";masters { key test.com-key; }; //使用test.com-key密钥进行传输};include "/var/named/zone-key/test.com.key"...
or sequences of icons for the bound actions on your bars. The addon supports a wide variety of configuration options. In addition, KeybindTrainer also allows you to create, import, and shareCustom Trialsto test how quickly you can hit important key combinations, such as the infamous "Cloak ...
Replace test with the name of your sister's account. Code: net user test /del Vesao, Nov 3, 2023 #3 J JakobSpearman Win User How do i remove the W + space keybind? disable keybinds Thank you for your help. I did a little but more looking and it turnes out the specific ...
1、使用dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n USER testkey命令来生成密钥。 dnssec-keygen:用来生成更新密钥。 -a HMAC-MD5:采用HMAC-MD5加密算法。 -b 128:生成的密钥长度为128位。 -n USER testkey:密钥的用户名为testkey。 2、密钥生成后,会在当前目录下自动生成两个密钥文件***.+157+xxx.key和*...