🌊 Key West梦幻海景打卡地 🚗 Key West,美国最南端的热带天堂,U.S. Route 1公路两侧的海景令人叹为观止。🌊📸 探索这些绝美景点,准备捕捉梦幻般的果冻海瞬间吧!1️⃣ 📍 John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park 🪸 这里以壮丽的沙滩和码头闻名,探索五彩斑斓的珊瑚礁,体验划船、潜水、露营和玻璃底...
打开地图翻到美国东南的佛罗里达州最南端,有一条狭长的公路一直延伸到大海深处,将一连串的岛屿连在了一起。这条公路叫U.S. Route 1,它的终点,叫Key West。 高晓松说,他妈妈说过,生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。这句话虽然一直被我嫌弃带着文人的矫情和酸臭味,但我却一直相信着我向前走会找到属于我的诗和...
图一展示了迈阿密海滩上的彩色小亭子,图二是一路上看到的断桥风光。图三是一号公路的路牌,US-1这条国家级的公路,让人联想到加州著名的一号公路California Route 1。图四是我在一号公路上看到的夕阳,美得让人心醉。在Key West住了一晚,既能欣赏到日落的美景,又能看到碧海蓝天。一路上我都哼着陈绮贞的《我喜欢...
附近有几个博物馆值得一去: Key West Museum of Art & History Mel Fisher Maritime Museum2⃣️ The Hemingway Home and Museum 图4-7,海明威故居,门口随处可见的六趾猫🐱。买门票后可以参加讲解tour~3⃣️ U.S. Route 1 Mile 0 Sign 图8,搜索Mile Marker Zero就能找到,这是美国一号公路的起点...
Key West is the southernmost point of the US and the westernmost island of the Florida Keys. The city occupies an entire island along with portions of surrounding islands; its land area totals around 6 square miles. US Route 1 and Florida State Road A1A
Old Town Trolley Tour durch Key West 13 Stopps 5 Sehenswürdigkeiten Dauer:1 Stunde30 Minuten Routenplan:Die Touren beginnen an den Einstiegsorten ca. alle 30 Minuten. Gäste mit Gutscheinen können an jeder Haltestelle des Old Town Trolley einsteigen. Rollstuhlgerechte Orte sind die Ha...
U.S. Route 1 美国1号公路 9.1133 reviews 长长长城 Road 1 on the sea, beautiful scenery! When there is a lot of traffic, we can only follow the traffic, because most of the road is two-way single lane. From Key West back to marathon's Hotel, there's a police car behind my ass....
Revelers can join the mad march anywhere along the ONE route! It's Picture time at our Second Starting Line! Grab your costumed crew and feel like a celebrity with Key West's most infamous paparazzi, photo booths and 360 selfie stations. The Paparazzi Row Pre-Party begins at 4PM in the...
the Lite version if you want to use the city map or learn about the city walks. However, if you want to join the walks, it is highly recommended that you download a Full Version of this app. The Full Version includes detailed walk route maps to guide you from one sight to the next...
and rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are also widely used in Key West. For those looking for a more affordable option, public transportation is also available. The Key West Transit bus system operates a route that connects the airport to various locations in Key West, including NYAH - Ad...