帅哥有没有搞错,Visual Foxpro没9.0版的,Visual Studio 现在也只出到8而已 Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0中文专业版序列号 安装CD-Key:111-1111111 Microsoft Visual Foxpro V5.0 S/N:0001-0000000 抄我者死
Visual FoxPro 9.0专业版(内注册码)(汉化版) Visual FoxPro 9.0,可做收藏、学习、研究。Visual FoxPro 9.0是一款用于开发数据管理与运算等方面的编程软件,提供了功能完备的工具、极其友好的用户界面、简单的数据存取方式、独一无二的跨平台技术,具有良好的兼容性、真正的可编译性和较强的安全性,是目前最快捷、最实用...
("CTRL Key Code should be used.\n"); else if (ev->modifiers & shiftKey) /* SHIFT Key */ _PutStr("SHIFT Key Code should be used.\n"); } else _PutStr("Regular Key Code should be used.\n"); return NO; /* Let Visual FoxPro have Key also */ break; default: return NO; } ...
This blog is dedied to visual foxpro lovers and developpers and retrieves some of my personal codes to help them to work with this wonderful soft.
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)Label1.Caption = Chr(Asc(Text1) - 1)Label2.Caption = Chr(Asc(text1) + 1)End Sub
Invalid use of a Visual FoxPro function as an array (Error 1652) Invalid variable reference (Error 1223) Key exceeds allowed size (Error 1124) Key field length does not match (Error 1117) Key label "label" is invalid (Error 1255) Key string is too long (Error 1257) Keyboard macro file...
('Chilkat_9_5_0.Pem')loPem =CreateObject('Chilkat.Pem')* Load the PEM from a file.* If the PEM is encrypted, provide a password. Otherwise pass an empty string for the password.lcPassword ="myPassword"lnSuccess = loPem.LoadPemFile("../myPemFiles/myPem.pem",lcPassword)IF(ln...