The name "Exodus", which means "road out" in Greek, comes from the Septuagint —the ancient Jewish translation of the Bible—which names each book of the Bible after its contents. The traditional Hebrew name, on the other hand, is Shemot or "names" which is taken from its first verse,...
& the Book of Revelation Points to the Torah & the Biblical Prophets. The“Food in due season”(Matt 24:45-47) for each Seal, Trumpet & Vial is found in the Torah & the Biblical Prophets! Collectively, by means of the Torah, Biblical Prophets & the Book of Revelation, God provides t...
Those who went to the temple to honor the Lord and seek His pardon knew they needed to bring a blood sacrifice. This blood sacrifice meant passing their sins onto the animal. Thus, commercialism and exhorting the pour began (Exodus 30:11-16; Leviticus 14:22; Luke 2:24). When Jesus ...